Wilson's Hospital School

Parents' Council

Welcome to our Parents’ Council

Who We Are

An enthusiastic, friendly, and hard-working group of parents who promote and support the interests, welfare and education of our students in co-operation with the Board of Management, Principal, teachers and students. You can contact us via email at parentscouncil@whs.ie

Wilson’s Hospital School Parents’ Council (WHSPC) is open to all the parents and guardians of pupils in the school and all parents/guardians are deemed members. Members are represented by a committee which has representatives for each year group in the school and includes both day and boarding parents.

WHSPC has not been affiliated with NPCpp since 2022 and is not affiliated with NPC.

Our Annual General Meeting is held every October/November. At the AGM we invite parents to volunteer to become members of the council committee. The committee meets each month during term time where the Principal updates the committee on school activities and items for discussion. These monthly meetings and our representation on the Board of Management provides a forum to communicate the views of parents and have an input into school policies. We are members of Compass.

Our agreed Parents' Council Constitution, ratified in November 2022 is here.

We would like to say big thank you to all our parents for their support over the years and we look forward to your continued support in the future.

WHS Parents' Council 2024/25

Current Committee

Chairperson David Hundley
Vice-Chair Mary Lillis
Secretary Robert Dolan
Treasurer Veronica Anderson
Public Relations Officer Claire Underwood
Nominees to the Board of Management Nicola O'Malley and Leonard O'Mahony
Compass Representatives Mary Lillis
Form 1 - 6 representatives Form 1 Claire Underwood, Marie Needham
Form 2 Thelma Greene, Veronica Anderson, Teresia Makambala
Form 3 Robert Dolan
Form 4 David Hundley, Ann Calahan
Form 5 Mary Lillis
Form 6 Yvonne Wheeler

What We Do:

We aim to promote the interests of parents as partners in education, in a positive spirit of cooperation. We also aim to foster good relations between parents, teachers, students, and the school authorities.

On a practical level we organise and support activities throughout the year to help with school fundraising and provide opportunities for parents and guardians to get involved in school events and to get to know each other.

Each year we have a very enjoyable family table quiz in March, a Christmas get together and the 6th Form parents’ BBQ. We run a second-hand uniform shop. In Summer 2022 we organised a Summer Fete which we plan to run as a yearly event going forward. We also invite guest speakers to give talks on topics of interest to parents. All events are advertised through the school’s media channels.

How you can get involved:

  • We are happy to hear from you and value your input. Please contact us at parentscouncil@whs.ie
  • Come along to the AGM in October/November.
  • Look out for events posted via school email and on the school website and school social media.
  • Sign up for our volunteers list at parentscouncil@whs.ie . We would love to hear from parents who may be unable to commit their time to the WHSPC but would still like the opportunity to be involved, especially in larger one-off events.
  • You can send guest speaker/talk suggestions toparentscouncil@whs.ie . We are always keen to provide parents with the opportunity to hear guest speakers on topics of interest and welcome any ideas.

Mar 13
Leaving Cert options evening
Mar 14
School closed (teacher training)
Mar 17
Bank Holiday - School Closed
Mar 18
School closed.
Wilson's Hospital School
Heathland, Co. Westmeath, N91 AX97, Ireland
044 937 1115
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© 2025 Wilson's Hospital School