Wilson's Hospital School

Rules of Residence

Rules of Residence

Rules of Residence

The rules, found in the policies section of this website, will apply exclusively to boarders and day students using residential facilities. They should be read in conjunction with the school rules, also found in the policies section of this website. These rules, and the general requirement to be of good behaviour, will lead to sanctions in the event of a breach thereof.

Removal of Residency Policy

A student who proves unsuited to boarding by reason of his/her behaviour, or any other reason, may have the facility fully or partially removed. Partial removal would be the loss of weekend boarding for a specific period. The Parents/Guardians of such a student will be informed in writing of the Warden’s decision. The Parents/Guardians of such a student may appeal the Warden’s decision to the Board of Governors’ Residency Appeals Board. Such appeal must be made in writing and addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Governors at the school within 7 school days of receipt of Warden’s decision, not including the date of receipt.

A boarder who has had residency suspended or removed will be permitted to attend the School as a day student while residing with a parent/guardian at the parent’s/guardian’s residence, subject to the misbehaviour in residency not being such that it would impact adversely on expected behaviour as a day student. In the event of an adverse impact being likely to arise in the day school, the case may be referred for consideration under School Rule 28.

Mar 13
Leaving Cert options evening
Mar 14
School closed (teacher training)
Mar 17
Bank Holiday - School Closed
Mar 18
School closed.
Wilson's Hospital School
Heathland, Co. Westmeath, N91 AX97, Ireland
044 937 1115
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