Wilson's Hospital School

School Contacts

School Contacts

School Contacts

Position Name Email
Principal and Warden F.W. Milling principal@whs.ie
Deputy Principal (Acting Principal) John Galligan deputy@whs.ie
Acting Deputy Principal Siobhan Devaney sdevaney@whs.ie
Boarding Enquiries Rachel Quinn boarding@whs.ie
Student Experience Officer Raimey O'Boyle roboyle@whs.ie
Accounts Accounts accounts@whs.ie (044) 9371115 ext 3

Day School Secretary

(Reception and Enquiries)

reception@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Book Rental, Uniforms & Bus Mary Kenny mkenny@whs.ie
Assistant Principals (Grade 1)
Junior Lead (1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Head) Joseph Maguire jmaguire@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Senior Lead (TY, 5th and 6th Year Head) Tom Parke tparke@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Examinations Lead Christopher Lee(Acting) clee@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Digital Learning Lead Sheila Graham sgraham@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Extra-Curricular & Community Outreach Lead Colin Draper cdraper@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Progress Lead Esther Hawkins ehawkins@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Assistant Principals (Grade 2)
Cinnire (1st Year) and Student Participation Lead Margaret Beirne mbeirne@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Cinnire (2nd Year) and Teaching& Learning Lead Dave Mahony dmahony@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Cinnire (3rd Year) and Induction & Professional Dev. Lead Brigid Carley bcarley@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Cinnire (4th / TY) and School Self-Evaluation Lead Anne Hogan ahogan@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Cinnire (5th Year) and Health & Safety Lead Peter Keaney pkeaney@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Cinnire (6th Year) and Positive Behaviour Lead Mark Condell mcondell@whs.ie (044) 937 1115
Programme Co-ordinator

All matters relating to:

Transition Year/Leaving Certificate Applied/Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

Siobhán Devaney programmes@whs.ie
Pastoral Care
Guidance Counsellor Freda Malone fmalone@whs.ie
SEN Co-ordinator Stephanie O'Sullivan sosullivan@whs.ie
Student Support Team Lead Freda Malone fmalone@whs.ie
Chaplain Tamara Scott tscott@whs.ie
Mar 13
Leaving Cert options evening
Mar 14
School closed (teacher training)
Mar 17
Bank Holiday - School Closed
Mar 18
School closed.
Wilson's Hospital School
Heathland, Co. Westmeath, N91 AX97, Ireland
044 937 1115
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© 2025 Wilson's Hospital School